
The company is based out of Kannapolis, NC. PHPI offers many different PeopleZ products but by far, PeopleZWireless is the primary business focus at this time. PeopleZWireless is a timely and necessary offering in the cell phone market. In a world of pre-paid cell phones, America is still being held in the dark ages by those big guys who force contracted services and expensive plans with hidden fees. PeopleZWireless is different, they offer clear, easy to understand plans with low costs and best of all, NO CONTRACT or Credit Check is required. Just about anyone can become a PeopleZWireless customer and everyone will save money without the worry of minutes overages, unknown taxes, or additional fees. Plus, if you don’t like PeopleZWireless then you don’t have to stay with PeopleZWireless! I don’t think anyone will actually make that choice but that fact that you have the option shows a level of confidence which PHPI has in their own services that none of the big providers can offer.

Other People Helping People brands include PeopleZDigital, PeopleZHealth, PeopleZing, and PeopleZTools . Each product is highly competitive in price and unsurpassed in quality and features. More information will be posted on each of these amazing products as the days and weeks go by.

Beyond the great line of consumer products, PHPI is surely going to be an answer to the prayers of millions of hard working people through the world. People that are tired of the daily grind, who always do the right thing only to find that the reward rarely seems to equal the work involved… and almost never exceeds it. I can’t count how many times I recommended my old wireless provider but never once did they reward me for it. PHPI is a different kind of company, focused on its people, and recognizes that those referrals are the true foundation of any successful company. And it’s not just to say thanks; People Helping People has amazing, easy to obtain independent distributorships available to all of its customers. With just a few referrals, you can be on your way to making a career out of recommending cell phones to friends and family. Now that is by FAR, the best friends and family plan I’ve ever seen.

If you join OUR People Helping People team, you will be joining a group of seasoned professionals who are fully capable and ready to help you build your business. Just imagine replacing your current phone and wireless service with products from PHPI, and after doing so, simply sharing the opportunity to do the same with others.  It really is that simple.  By doing so, you have the potential to earn commissions off of hundreds, if not thousands of people, including your own service, month in and month out.  Cell phones not your thing?  The company has other product lines, such as nutritional and will continue to add new product lines as PHPI grows.

People truly will help people in this organization and together, we’ll all succeed.

Join us today by calling me direct @ 770-837-5840, or visit the website.

Thank you.  Angela Mathis