
Adoption World Publishing publishes life books for children in adoption and foster care. Life books aid in documentation, discussion and healing. Social workers, therapists, adoptive and foster families and their children enjoy our adoption life books.

Lifebooks are a way to document the life of a child who is adopted or is part of the foster care system. Can be used as a tool to keep track of biological parents, medical information, and other info that can easily be lost or forgotten. It is also a way for social workers, adoptive and foster parents to work through some issues the child may have about their situation. The life book is also used as a scrapbook that allows the child to remember the good times with words and pictures. These books really serve as a memory book for when they are older.

The lifebooks for the teenager can be used to prepare them for a life on their own. The life book can help them answer the questions they will need for school and job applications. Keeping track of social security number, previous addresses and parental information.