
AlaskaFit is Alaska's premiere fitness company.  Ginny Grupp, owner of AlaskaFit has been in the fitness business for most of her life.  Growing up in New York, she lived a fairly typical East-coast lifestyle--High School, College, good job in NYC.  And at 29 she left it all to travel the world for a few years.  She came to Alaska in 2002 and fell in love with everything about it.  She got her personal training certification in 2003  and started her career in fitness and wellness.  

In 2007, after completing a Master's Degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion, 200 hours of Yoga teacher training and a Performance Enhancement Specialty, she began expanding her personal training business.  

In 2009, she launched AlaskaFit Boot Camps and a Nutrition Coaching program and has been growing her business ever since.  She has helped hundreds of fellow Alaskans lose weight, get into shape and change their lives.  Her motto is, "It's not about getting into shape, it's about getting into life! and it's what sets her and her business apart.  

At AlaskaFit, coaches, trainers and staff care about each person who walks through their doors.  They keep clients accountable and support them through the sometimes tough changes to achieve life-long health.