
Team Alignment and Leadership Development Experts

The Halpin Companies, Inc. is a national firm of leadership strategists and facilitators.  We work across the globe to facilitate complex initiatives involving diverse stakeholders in all industries. We provide a strategic framework that increases clarity, alignment and results.  Since 1997 we have been facilitating ownership and management transitions within closely-held businesses.

We grow shareholder and stakeholder value by aligning people and their messages to drive winning results.

Our clients benefit from increased productivity and an enhanced corporate culture characterized by:
* More effective decision-making and communication
* Reduction of barriers between departments that waste resources
* Disappearance of conflict
* Respect for personal values and corporate values
* Alignment of roles and goals with strengths and values
* Alignment of initiatives with plans and daily actions
* Record-results with less stress and fewer meetings

Our clients gain more systematic and strategic results without the typically high personal toll that record-breaking results can often take on leaders and their teams.

Our clients build corporate cultures of accountability and integrity where every member of the team is empowered, energized, and engaged, and where leaders easily get the right people in the right roles, driving the right results in an extremely timely manner.

Our Leadership Strategists coach from “concept to concrete,” from strategic visioning through successful execution. Our clients often introduce us as their strategic thinking partners.  We provide a framework for our clients’ disciplined thinking and planning processes.  Our clients consistently generate record-results.