
Art4TheHomeless is a nonprofit organization whose goal and mission is to unite artists of all venues to promote homeless awareness in the USA. It started out as an art blog by a homeless artist who wanted to give back but only had her own artwork. It transformed from an art blog to a movement and now to a nonprofit whose business plans include an art gallery and venue spot where funds can be generated to sponsor other homeless relief organizations and promote artists involved to programs implemented in schools, colleges, homeless shelters where we can introduce the arts to those who would otherwise could not afford it.

Currently, we are in the fundraising stages to bring the gallery and venue spot into existence. At the moment, everything is online.

The Art4TheHomeless Webzine (abbreviated Art4TH Zine) is an interactive monthly newsletter that lets the viewer experience the arts: we have music by a Featured Musician, visual art by a Feature Visual Artist, poetry and literature by a Feature Literary Artist and also each month we introduce you to a homeless relief organization for Awareness.

In the Art4TH Gallery, art prints donated by various artists are sold for $15 each. All funds go to Art4TheHomeless and will until we begin to financially sponsor other homeless relief organizations. The prints will be photo quality and mailed to the buyer.

Art4TheHomeless is a 501c3 Nonprofit organization and we are currently seeking sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or a partner, please go to our website www.art4thehomeless.org