
Art Opportunities Monthly is like the stock market report -- full of symbols and abbreviations. To the uniniated, it can be intimidating. But as hundreds of serious professional artists have learned, a bit of effort can go a long way. Its subscribers have won significan prizes, museum shows, Fulbright grants, select residencies, and had their work published in such magazines as The New Yorker, Harpers, "O, The Oprah Magazine", Ad Busters, and Wired,to name a few. See Comments, all of which are unsolicited.


Beny Shaboy, the editor and pubisher, is a practicing artist (under another name) who has been in the art world for more than 40 years. He is the author of numerous articles about artists, gallerists, art methods, and other subjects of interest to working arists. He has been a speaker and workshop presenter at art schools, colleges and universities from The San Francisco Art Institute to Napa Valley College to Arkans State University. He also consults privately with artists who want help with their careers or art practices. Some of his references are on line.