
The British Urban Film Festival (BUFF) was formed in July 2005 to showcase urban independent cinema in the absence of any such state-sponsored activity in the UK. Supported by filmmakers and British actors, the organisation was set up by Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe and established as BUFF Enterprises Ltd. BUFF bears no relation to the Buff film festival established in Malmo, Sweden. The London-based organisation was initially created in partnership with organisations like The Screen.Biz (UK) and The Hip-Hop Association (USA) to mobilise & develop young, up and coming homegrown British urban talent in the independent film & TV sector. With offices in east London, the company's annual showcase is the only one of its kind in the UK which is free to attend by the general public, only charging entry fees to film-makers who wish to submit their films in what is, according to the Film London agency, “an important and emerging genre which is not otherwise seen regularly in the capital's cinemas”.