
We offer a great alternative to Minsks expensive hotels by providing euro-class apartments for rent in Minsk. In our database you will find both daily and long term rentals that match your budget. Unlike Minsks hotels there are no extra fees for foreigners renting apartments! If you need a Belarussian visa, invitation letter or registration service, we can handle everything for you. We will be glad to meet you at the airport and drive you to your apartment. Interpreters and guided tours are also available.
  Belarusrent takes great pride in helping foreigners feel at home in Minsk for more than 4 years now. We strive to provide our numerous services in a professional courteous manner at a reasonable price so that your stay may be as comfortable as possible. Our services include: drawing up an invitation to Belarus, meeting our guests at the airport, registering guests with the proper authorities, accommodations in the best private apartments in any part Minsk, guided tours around the city, we can provide interpreters, document translation, drivers, and courier service. We will be standing by ready to help you from the first to the last minute of your stay in Minsk. Staying in our fine private apartments is a convenient, comfortable and economical alternative to Minsk’s over priced hotels. Due to “Minsk’s Foreigner Hotel Tax” renting an apartment is often more than half the cost of staying in one of Minsk’s centrally located hotels. Your private life will be only yours in our apartments.
  We would like to welcome you to Minsk! Try our services and we are sure you will return to us!
To book an apartment in Minsk from our database, go to http://www.belarusrent.com