
While most website owners are concentrating on how to get people to their website using such things as Pay Per Click, SEO, Social Networking, FaceBook, Twitter etc (along with every traditional brick and mortar method of advertising) BungeeBones takes a different approach. We take a look at the traffic leaving a website and we salvage value from it and then send it along to our members.

BungeeBones caters both to webmasters looking for traffic as well as web masters looking to sell their web traffic (with many webmasters doing both). Through our unique Distributed Web Directory system, which enable us to aggregate and monetize their traffic with other website's traffic, we take what were once small, insignificant blocks of web traffic and combined them together into a marketable product all while still maintaining our offer of free listings as well as paid listings. We guarentee that "There will always be a place for free link advertising on BungeeBones!"