
Buyers Brokers Only, LLC exclusively represents home buyers, providing honest, competent, professional and responsive buyer agent services in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Happy home buyers who used an exclusive buyer agentLess than 1 percent of real estate agents in Massachusetts and New Hampshire can call themselves exclusive buyer agents. Our agents are proud of their dedication to home buyers and our unparalleled business model, which avoids conflicts of interest common in traditional, seller-focused real estate brokerages.

We are 100 percent loyal to home buyers, 100 percent of the time.

In addition to being exclusive buyer agents, every one of the real estate brokers at Buyers Brokers Only, LLC also is a licensed attorney, adding a level of professionalism that our clients appreciate and rave about.

Best of all, you will not pay us a penny for our representation because we receive the same seller-paid commission any real estate agent receives. In fact, as lawyers we feel so strongly about the importance of having your own real estate attorney that we will rebate a portion of our real estate commission to help you pay for an independent attorney.

Whether you are an experienced or a first-time homebuyer, our detail-orientated and knowledgeable buyer agents will patiently and thoroughly answer your questions, provide straight-forward advice and professionally guide you through the home-buying process.