
EMAP is a voluntary accreditation process for emergency management programs that coordinate preparedness and response activities for disasters based on national standards.  EMAP recognizes the ability of state and local governments, colleges and univiersities and private companies to bring together personnel, resources and communications from a variety of agencies and organizations in preparation for and in response to an emergency, in addition to obtaining the ability to measure those capabilities. This forms the foundation of an emergency preparedness system. EMAP is the only accreditation process for emergency management programs.

Accreditation is a means of demonstrating, through program assessment, documentation and on-site assessment by an independent team, that a program meets national standards.  Accreditation is valid for five years from the date the EMAP Commission grants accreditation.  Accredited programs must maintain compliance with EMAP standards and be reassessed in five years to maintain accredited status.

Working collaboratively since 1997, state, local and federal emergency managers developed EMAP to provide quality standards and a process for determining compliance.  The Emergency Management Standard by EMAP creates a structure for strategic planning for improvement coupled with methodical, verified assessment by experienced peers from other jurisdictions, which results in stronger capabilities and accountability. The EMAP process evaluates emergency management programs on compliance with requirements in 16 areas, including: planning; resource management; training; exercises, evaluations, and corrective actions; and communications and warning.

EMAP is a nonprofit, standard developing organization.