
When Should I Take My Social Security?  We help you decide!
At Enlighten Social Security Strategies, our expert consultants help individuals and couples determine the optimal Social Security claiming strategy for their unique situation. We help you maximize your Social Security retirement benefits.
Many factors are important in uncovering your best strategy.  Your work history, age, current marital status, marital history, expected longevity, the relative earning histories and ages in a couple, the need or desire to continue working and your general financial situation all influence your choice.  To maximize your Social Security benefits, we utilize sophisticated analysis software combined with a personal approach that considers your individual situation and goals.  Social Security is complex. Our consultants provide expert guidance to help you make a well considered and informed choice.
Our recommendations often include the file and suspend technique, restricted applications, advanced spousal switching strategies and start-stop-start.  We cover nearly every situation, rule and provision including strategies for people who have been widowed or divorced, those with children under 18 or dependent parents, workers who also have government pensions, railroad workers and more.  
Working during retirement can impact your benefits, we show you exactly how your benefits will be affected.  Working and collecting benefits before your full retirement age may reduce your benefits. On the other hand, working longer may increase your benefits if those earning years are among your highest.
Many couples who consult with us will realize ten of thousands, even hundreds of thousands more in lifetime Social Security benefits compared with what more than half of retirees do - which is to both claim at 62 without considering the long term consequences.
Our one-time fee consultations include a full year of access to our experts, because retirement planning takes time! Consultations are held via phone and easy to join online meetings. We stand by our service with a 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.