
In a survey conducted in February 2011, 96% of our clients gave us a score of 10(1) for customer service experience and 100% of our clients gave us a score of 10(1) for recommending us to their friends and colleagues.  Our clients told us that they liked our team, responsiveness, accessibility and our in-depth expertise.  Over the Past 20 Years we have developed a proven “9 Steps to Project Success” process to save our clients time, money and frustration in the project design and permitting process.  

(1)     The survey asked 5 questions one of which was “on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best) rate your customer service experience”.  99 of our clients gave us score of 9 to 10.  The other was “on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best) rate if you would recommend us to a friend”.