
DALLAS, TX- [Sep 2012]- Rising interest and growing viewership of the documentary, “2016: Obama's America” indicates a fervor for more information before Americans cast their votes in the upcoming November election. The movie, a surprising success despite limited exposure, was certainly both informative and eye opening. Now, in the manner of the novel “Primary Colors” (Clinton era), and continuing this growing trend of political commentary via popular culture mediums,  author Jack Pavuk introduces his exciting new political fiction novel Factitious to the mix.

Both thought provoking and entertaining, Factitious takes place in current time with fictional characters and issues that closely parallel actual personalities and current affairs. The story involves an international plot, decades in its planning, to destroy America financially, militarily, and politically. Unknown to the public, the current President is implicit in the successful execution of the scheme; and he needs a second term to complete the mission. The conspiracy is collectively discovered by a group of retired Military Intelligence Officers. Among them, Jack Powers is chosen to expose the President's treason. In alternating clever moves and counter moves, Jack seems to have won the battle of wits until the President and his international conspirators devise an ingenious and potentially fatal blow that seemingly neutralizes Powers. One thing is certain… the remaining veterans (and other sympathetic patriots) must somehow carry on to squelch the scheme before even more sinister international consequences can reach culmination.
Surprisingly, many of the events alluded to in the book have already partially come to fruition in the short time since the book's completion and its publication. The book is a "must read" before the upcoming November 2012 elections.

The book was completed in February 2012, and is available at the:
book's web site: www.factitiousbook.com
publisher's Book store: www.friesenpress.com/bookstore
It is also available at the usual book sources: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, etc.

About the Author-
Jack Pavuk currently resides in Richardson, TX, a suburb of Dallas, with his wife of 50+ years. He has had a background of broad experiences, including: a retired USAF navigator and pilot, a successful sales/management second career with a Swedish biological company, the developer and chief executive of his own medical software company, and various consulting and other part time jobs to keep from actually physically retiring and “going to rust”. The Air Force career, especially, has allowed him to see much of the globe. The book fulfills his lifelong dream to write a novel.

Media Contact-
Jack Pavuk
Tel: 972-690-9619  Cell: 214-577-7265
Email- jack@factitiousbook.com
Book website: www.factitiousbook.com
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Factitious-Book/322328984529411