
Founded in 2003, The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) is a nonpartisan “think and do” tank whose mission is to build bridges between theory and practice to advance homeland security through an interdisciplinary approach. By convening domestic and international policymakers and practitioners at all levels of government, the private and non-profit sectors, and academia, HSPI creates innovative strategies and solutions to current and future threats to the nation.

Led by HSPI Director Frank Cilluffo and Deputy Director Daniel Kaniewski, the staff have significant homeland security backgrounds that includes extensive experience with U.S. and foreign governments, non-profit organizations, think tanks, first responder organizations and academia, providing a broad array of expertise to HSPI.

The Steering Committee is a distinguished group of leaders who provide strategic direction to HSPI.  The bipartisan group includes leaders who are, or have served as, CEOs; Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General; Secretary of the Army; directors of the CIA, FBI, and FEMA; National Security Advisor; Members of Congress; Ambassadors; Governor; University Deans and renowned faculty members; military flag officers; fire chief and leaders of nongovernmental organizations.

Senior Fellows are homeland security experts drawn from government, the private and non-profit sectors, and academia, with expertise in areas ranging from bioterrorism to critical infrastructure protection to intelligence. Senior Fellows participate in roundtable sessions with policymakers, collaborate to publish policy papers and undertake homeland security research projects.

Through our Steering Committee, corps of Senior Fellows, staff, and international network of experts, HSPI draws upon leaders from numerous disciplines and sectors relevant to national and homeland security – defense, intelligence, counterterrorism, public diplomacy, health care, behavioral sciences, religion and emergency management to name a few. HSPI has garnered a reputation as the forum where complex security issues are debated in confidential sessions that lead to practical strategies and solutions to address the causes and consequences of terrorism. The resulting solutions provide a foundation for reducing threats to the nation and contribute to preventing the expansion of extremist groups. Our core policy work includes:

Situated at the forefront of a variety of security debates, HSPI conducts and spotlights cutting-edge policy solutions and innovative research. To push the boundaries of our thinking, HSPI launched a series of roundtable discussions, “Thinking Anew – Security Priorities for the Next Administration” to further consider vital security issues.  Other events include a distinguished panel addressing terrorism finance issues, and several events with leading British and American experts on counter-radicalization and rehabilitation at home and abroad.  
This ongoing forum engages ambassadors and cabinet level officials in an ongoing dialogue on international counterterrorism efforts. The series is designed to provide ambassadors to the United States and their key diplomatic staff, as well as U.S. officials and stakeholders outside government, with a forum to discuss current and future counterterrorism efforts on a regional or country-specific basis. To date, the Series has hosted over 30 ambassadors from every continent including those from Iraq, China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Israel, and the United Nations, Indonesia and Australia, as well as the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, and the U.S. Coordinator for Counterterrorism.

HSPI’s work resonates with the public and across the policy spectrum.  We have hosted Secretaries of Homeland Security Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff on multiple occasions for major policy addresses.  We regularly testify before Congressional committees and government commissions on topics such as after-action reforms following Hurricane Katrina.  HSPI has also has presented reports on extremism and counter-radicalization efforts before the Senate and House Homeland Security Committees.

HSPI staff engage the policy community and public through various publications, speeches, and conference presentations, as well as through the media.  We are a leading source of insight and analysis for a variety of national and international media outlets, including major newspapers and television networks.