
We are a place of people helping people. While this site is a community service or ministry of the Regional Synod of Canada, Reformed Church in America, we invite other churches and partners groups to join us in helping either people in need or providing volunteers to community groups which give a hand to others.

GiveAHand is administered by a Team which monitors its usage and seeks to promote the site for use in any country, although our initial focus is in North America. As we grow, we may invite others to help us in administering the site.

We created this site because we believe that those who follow Jesus Christ are to model their lives after Him, and that means going out into our communities and helping those who are unable to help themselves. While we believe the church is to help others become followers of Jesus, we also have a responsibility to care for all people. Our purpose is not to proselytize people to our church or faith, but we do want the world to know why we care. We charge no fees to anyone using this site and we prohibit anyone from using it for personal profit.