
Help With My Parents is a website devoted to the needs of Older Adults and the people who help care for them. The site is supported by input from users and providers. All pages are designed to be edited/updated by users who have helpful information. If you wish to update or edit a page simply set up a user account and you can begin editing pages.

What does it cost?

Use of the Helpwithmyparents.com website is free for individuals looking for services and businesses/organizations who provide services.  The only cost is for those organizations that choose to pay for additional advertising.

Who can edit or add information to the site?

Any user who creates an account can edit the information section of any page, and users can add content that they think is relevant.  Users cannot delete information, but if there is erroneous information on the site you can use the “contact us” form to alert HWMP staff who will remove it.  Anyone can become a user by clicking on the “register” link toward the top of the home page.  You must have a valid email account to become a user.

Who can submit a Resource?

Any person who is aware of an organization (0r individual) that provides services for older adults can submit the information using the “submit a resource” tab in the top menu of any page.  In order to submit a resource you will need the name of the entity and you will need to decide which category the resource falls under.  If the resource could be listed under more than one heading you can enter it again under another heading.  A resource can go under as many areas as it is relevant for.  Please include as much information about the resource as possible including the services that the resource provides to seniors and how the services are paid for.

The “submit a resource” link can also be used to update or edit an existing resource.  Simply indicate that the submission is a “revised listing” instead of a new one.    The submit a resource link can also be used to submit images that represent the resource including a logo and one other image.  We ask that you use objective language when describing the resource and that you avoid terms like “the best” and other subjective descriptions.

How Does the Calendar Work?

The event calendar is intended to keep seniors, their caregivers and professionals informed about all of the events for and about seniors that are occurring in the community.  Anyone can submit an event to be placed on the calendar.  After you have logged in, click on the “create content” link on the upper left of the page and then click on “events.”   You can then post the event—please include as much information as possible.  All events are reviewed by one of the HWMP staff and once approved will be displayed on the calendar.

How can I post news stories?

The news portion of the home page is intended to keep those interested up to date with news that is relevant for seniors and their families.  To submit a news item you must sign in and then click on the “create content” link. You then click on the “news” link and follow the directions.  If you want to link to an article on the web type the reference for the article and then highlight it.  With the title highlighted click on the icon that looks like a chain link.  A screen will pop up and in the link box type or paste the web address for the article.

You can also use the "contact us" link and ask one of our staff to post a news story that you think is important

How can I be sure the information is accurate?

Because we allow user input, and we desire to have as much information available as possible, we do not make any guarantees about the information provided here or about the resources that are listed.  We do have professional staff who regularly review the content and any updates.  However, if you are aware of any inaccuracies or you believe a resource should be removed from the site please contact us.