
It is clear to the leaders of Highview Christian Fellowship that as a whole, the church must function on the principles laid down by the Word of God.

The Lord said,”On this rock I will build My Church and the very gates of hell will not prevail against it.” The Rock has not changed. The question to each congregation and each individual believer is: Will we stand firmly on the rock, the Lord Jesus Christ, and center our lives around His Will, His Way and His Word?

It is a command of God that all true believers become involved in the work of the ministry and evangelism. Therefore:

Our mission is:
† TO GLORIFY GOD – Ephesians 3:21: “To Him be the Glory in the Church.” It is the duty of each believer to glorify God. We glorify Him in worship. This worship is all consuming, which means we must yield our total selves in obedience to God. As we individually magnify Christ in our lives, the Word says people will see our good works and glorify the Father who is in Heaven.

† TO EQUIP SAINTS – In Ephesians Chapter 4: God reveals to us that he has given gifts to the Church for the building up of the saints for the work of the ministry. It is imperative that the church have a vibrant and dynamic teaching ministry. The purpose is so that a person’s heart may be touched and transformed through the Word of God. All believers should be in a learning environment so that they can teach others, even if it is only the one-on-one discipleship of another saint (2 Tim 2:2). The church is not a one man show. For it to function well, it must be a “body effort” where each member is in support of the other.

† TO MAINTAIN HOLINESS – It is imperative that the church maintain a standard of holiness, which is based upon a “High View” of God and not man-made standards. He commands us to be Holy as He is Holy. Therefore, the church must be active in church discipline which is an expression of Agape type love.

† TO EVANGELIZE – Christ commissions us to evangelize (Matthew 28). Our purpose is to share the Gospel with those who need their minds and hearts unshackled. It is not something we do if the mood strikes us, but rather be consistently and actively involved in an evangelical ministry.

It is important that every believer makes a conscious decision
to follow Christ in loving obedience