
Infinite Fitness, is a sports specific facility designed for athletes. Here we take our knowledge and experience from working with numerous high school, collegiate, and professional athletes and use it to help our area athletes succeed at the next level.

In addition to our Sports Performance,  we also specialize in Metabolic Resistance Training. Before you start a training session or lift a weight, we will conduct a comprehensive fitness assessment in order to assess your mobility and identify any structural or muscular issues that could impact your training. With the results of the fitness assessment, we will recommend a track for you to follow. Each month, we reevaluate our plan and make necessary modifications in order to prevent plateau and further your fitness and health.  At Infinite Fitness, you will track your progress as you exercise under the supervision and guidance of an experienced trainer. In addition to your fitness plan, you will also receive nutritional consulting along with monthly weigh-ins and body fat percentage calculations to keep you focused on achieving your fitness goals.