
Interbus Praha spol. s r.o. is a private company which was founded in 1993. Since its founding it has been directly managed by the owners as executive directors. Over the 16 years of its existence it has become one of the largest transport companies, offering its clients transport in foreign-manufactured cars, minibuses and personal vehicles of high quality.

Interbus Praha can provide not just transport services, but complete travel arrangements to suit the needs of its clients.

Since 1999 Interbus Praha has been a member of ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents). In 2000 it also became a full member of ETOA (European Tour Operators Association). The statutes of these associations are such that membership imposes an obligation to provide a very high standard of service.

The good name of our company itself continuously motivates us to provide the kind of quality that cannot be measured simply in monetary terms.