
About LawTake

LawTake.com, an informative legal site, was founded by lawyer, Suzanne Natbony, and engineer, Kirby Winters. They realized there was a need for professionally made, informative videos beyond the quick snippets already available online. By creating a superior clear, organized, and efficient platform for people to find resources for their legal needs – or to better prepare people before they seek a lawyer’s counsel – LawTake has made it easier for business owners and the public to manage their legal needs while still maintaining control of the process.

Have a legal problem? Lawyer fees can add up and be a major cash crunch. Proper legal documentation is vital for protection of assets, intellectual property, job liability and financial considerations. However, if an individual or a company is spending significant amounts of money on lawyers, the only people making any money are the lawyers. LawTake.com has solved this problem for entrepreneurs and the public who seek cost-effective legal advice.

For a one-time fee, subscribers gain unlimited access to a specific topic. They can watch, and re-watch, professionally made videos of licensed attorneys providing legal advice on topics such as:  business formation, intellectual property, and immigration legal issues. Should the viewer wish to obtain more information, they can either contact the specific attorney in the video, or choose from multiple attorneys specializing in that specific topic. Relevant government forms, contracts, checklists, and instructions that accompany each video will be available for download.