
1) An infant of unknown origins is discovered alone upon a snowy night in Yellowstone Park.
Adopted by Old Faithful geyser and by a mother buffalo, she gains spiritual ascent through the stories and teachings of her elders.
When her sacred vow to protect Yellowstone’s heritage in return brings peril in its wake, the choice made between her safety and her sworn duties is precipitous from its beginning to its fiery outcome.
This is her story, as seen through the eyes of Yellowstone.

2) Short stories on miraculous events which occur to everyday people in the five boroughs. Myrtle Brooks' love affair with the Big Apple served in ten uplifting slices.

3) In Jackson, Wyoming, 1977, a cache is discovered in the attic of a deceased man’s home containing letters and diaries spanning two centuries. The newspaper report of the unusual contents reaches a journalist and confirms a vision he experienced 23 years earlier as a 9-year-old boy on a camping trip in Grand Teton National Park.
Learning his memories of a mother grizzly bear who transforms the lives of the humans who cross her path were not imaginary after all, Chicago Sun-Times reporter Bill Larkin sets out in search of why he is among the chosen. Wrestling with his dread of the force driving him, Bill hears that same compelling voice caution him against turning back and losing his spiritual calling. As he pieces each story, letter and entry together, the common thread eludes him: until a Native-American elder counsels him to seek the rest of the answers within himself.