
Natural & Clean is a small company, located in Broadstairs, Kent. The aim of the company is to create eco-friendly cleaning products that match or even out-perform other chemically based agents on the market.

Our range covers ten products and each one is solvent free. They are wood based and all consist of completely naturally occurring, organic and biodegradable ingredients.

We have recently achieved an exciting listing in many Tesco stores throughout the UK for two of our product range, the DRY Carpet Cleaner, (endorsed by the Woolsafe Board and leading carpet manufacturer Brinton), and the Spot Remover. Our other eight are available to buy online at www.naturalandclean.com.

The Natural & Clean DRY Carpet Cleaner

The Natural & Clean Spot Remover

The Natural & Clean Bin Deodoriser

The Natural & Clean Pet Spot and Odour Eliminator

The Natural & Clean Whoops a-daisy!

The Natural & Clean Spot Remover Wipes

The Natural & Clean Carpet and Fabric Deodoriser

The Natural & Clean Foaming Carpet Cleaner