

NewsRx™ technology monitors all emerging research and all new discoveries throughout the world, and using software algorithms and digital journalists, creates an article about each of these discoveries. The goal is to never miss any new discovery that takes place anywhere in the world, which are happening at a rate over one-hundred an hour—more than two new discoveries every minute. Over 70% of our new content at BUTTER™ is about new discoveries.

NewsRx™ created Artificial Intelligence Journalist™ (“AIJ”), Artificial Intelligence Editor™ (“AIE”) and BUTTER™ utilizing proprietary software technologies which automate every aspect of publishing, from writing and editing to design, layout, distribution, and analytics -- all without compromising journalistic integrity. NewsRx™ technology moves content into BUTTER™ and its 194 newsweeklies, sold to single users or multiple users via online subscriptions and licensing agreements. Customers are provided a feed with 30,000-40,000 unique proprietary articles each week, or customers can access content using the BUTTER™ dashboard and platform. The company is heavy in health, energy, biotech, patent, financial, investment, business, government, medical, pharmaceutical, and science news.

BUTTER™ = Better Understanding Through Technology & Emerging Research

BUTTER™ is a business intelligence and data analytics product from NewsRx LLC focusing on emerging research and new discoveries. The BUTTER™ New Discovery Index™ (BUTTER™ NDI™) provides analytics about all new discoveries worldwide by quarter, as well as all new discoveries within specific topic areas including aerospace and defense, agriculture and food science, automobiles, biotechnology and bioengineering, diet and nutrition, drugs and therapies, education, energy/oil/gas, engineering, government, health and medicine, IT, investment and finance, M&A, pharma, technology, and others.
BUTTER™ allows a user to utilize our proprietary database in order to get a desired point-of-view. We provide updates on new research, innovations, patent and trademark movements, and company announcements that have direct impacts on key industries. We have the external data necessary for you to make informed and competitive decisions.

BUTTER™ provides extensive data analytics and business intelligence based on the database, and performs statistical analysis of text related to a query. BUTTER™ has the capacity to power billions of annual searches with superior indexing capabilities and the ability to take full-text search results and make them targeted, downloadable, and portable. Because NewsRx™ owns all of the articles and content on the platform, BUTTER™ can allow users to create and distribute to others full text reports with complete articles.


Our high demand content:
•“Must-have” and published 24/7, creating a resource of unmatched depth
•Research is conducted constantly across all industries and verticals worldwide
•Finance industry needs the database and interface for investment decision-making
•Legal needs it for the intellectual property research, such as “prior art” for patents
•All professionals need it for business intelligence
•Academia needs it for research and discovery
•All categories and verticals need it to determine trends, insight, current awareness, and analytics
•Google, Bing and other Internet search engines are consumer facing and too broad in content
•Stay way ahead of other professionals by keeping up with new research and discoveries in as many topics as you wish – according to a 2015 blog post from the London School of Economics, on average, even a peer-reviewed journal article is read by “no more than 10 people” and “we know of no senior policy-maker, or senior business leader who ever reads any peer-reviewed papers…,” citing the problem as “incomprehensible jargon and the sheer volume and lengths of papers…”

Some ways you might use BUTTER™:
•Risk analysis tool
•Stay up to date with industry news
•Follow company news
•As a prior art database
•A professional search engine to facilitate a wide range of business decisions from operational to strategic product positioning and priority areas
•Establish goals
•Decide the direction company or its products should head
•Create reports for distribution

Our Style is Journalistic Integrity: Accuracy and Attribution

BUTTER™ artificial intelligence algorithms focus on five primary functions:
•Making connections
•Going deep
•Worldwide discovery
•Journalistic integrity and accuracy
•Making better decisions

BUTTER™ presents news and information that is wider and deeper than what you can access anywhere else: more reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. BUTTER™ content is reported from unique sources and all articles include a full source citation.