
NortheastCruiseGuide.com is your single source for information on cruises sailing from Boston, Massachusetts; Baltimore, Maryland; New York; New Jersey; Norfolk, Virginia; Montreal, Canada; Quebec, Canada and the Great Lakes. For the last 7 years,  all of the information on NortheastCruiseGuide.com  has been free to readers. Information on the site includes the latest cruise schedules;  tips and feature articles;  latest cruise deals; breaking cruise news ;  detailed cruise ship reviews and much, much more.

NortheastCruiseGuide.com has two sister sites which also specialize in cruises -NYCruiseInfo.com  and Cruise-Guru.blogspot.com.  NYCruiseInfo.com specializes in cruises departing from Manhattan, New York;  Brooklyn, New York and Cape Liberty Bayonne, New Jersey. The Cruise-Guru.blogspot.com covers cruise news and cruise deals worldwide. The site is updated daily.