
About Us
OndoorstepPharmacy brings you over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, supplements, sports nutrition, personal care and much more. Thousands of products are available on our site, day or night, and are delivered quickly and professionally to your door. With our range and convenience come great prices and promotions, all in an easy-to-use web shop. We specialize in the pain relief meds such Syndol, OxcyContin and Cereblex!
Why are we special?
Wide product range
We carry a wide range of everyday basics and hard-to-find items, and no one else does what we do better! OndoorstepPharmacy offers you a wide variety of international and local brands, covering common needs as well as offering ranges tailored for individual needs, to ensure that everyone is covered!
Shop from the comfort of your home, and avoid fighting your way through lines at your local pharmacy. Topping up your daily essentials is especially easy, as we offer easy re-ordering of previous purchases.
Easy to navigate
Our online store is strategically laid out for your convenience, and is simple to use. Browse products by navigating through our detailed categories, matching the aisles you would expect to find in a physical store. Or, use a shortcut by searching directly for a product name or brand.
Safe and secure shopping
Once your desired items are in your shopping cart, you can choose between various secure payment options. Payment can easily be made by credit card, debit card or an instant EFT. After a successful purchase, you will receive regular updates and tracking numbers with which you can use to follow your order until delivery. OndoorstepPharmacy uses state-of-the-art security to protect your information, and works with world-leading payment partners so that we don’t store your payment information on our systems at all.
Fast Shipping
Our orders get shipped out to you instantly, often on the same day! You can expect to receive your order, at your doorstep, in 3-5 business days. In some cases though, things happen that are beyond our control and it may take longer. We are bringing you the widest product range so it needs time to get to us.
Competitive Pricing
At OndoorstepPharmacy, we want to save you money as well as time! You’ll find our prices match or beat pharmacy prices, and you can save even more by taking advantage of our specials and promotions! We save you money on delivery too, by charging low delivery rates and providing free shipping on orders over R500! Unlike other online stores, there is no minimum order value at OndoorstepPharmacy.
Comprehensive and personal service
Our customers and clients can use our hotline or email our Customer Service team on help@Ondoorsteppharmacy.co.za. We are here to support you by offering an extensive range of services on a personal, professional and prompt basis.

We are affiliated with the Clicks group of Pharmacies in South Africa, which is one of the largest pharmacy groups in South Africa
We source our meds from the following reputable manufacturers:
1.     Adcock Ingram
2.     Aspen Pharmacies
3.     Aventis Pharmacies
4.     Pharmacare Industries