
Even in this time of economic uncertainty, studies show the #1 thing holding businesses back from reaching their potential is: “Finding and Hiring Productive People.”

This has been the case since I started People Values back in 2000 with a vision and mission to “Provide the Best Education & Tools Available (Anywhere in the World) to Hire & Develop a Reliable, Motivated, TOP Performing Staff.”

We’ve accomplished this goal with our FREE On-line Video that plays at:

Have You Ever Asked Yourself These Questions (that we hear all the time):

* Why can’t I find any good employees?
* How do the people we interview become completely different once we hire them?
* What will it take to get my employees to do the job I’m paying them to do?

Well, to discover the answers to these questions, here’s some GREAT NEWS: You don’t have to travel, get stuck in traffic and attend a seminar, outsource, hire an expensive consultant or business coach, buy a book, invite a slick salesperson to your office, etc.

All you have to do is visit our website (http://www.HowToHireTheRightPeople.com) & Watch our FREE "7 Secrets to Building Your Most Productive & Profitable Staff Ever" Video.

Here is What You'll Discover in Just 15-30 Minutes:

1. The 3 Simple Steps to Your Most Reliable, Motivated, Productive (& Profitable) Staff Ever

2. The 7 HR Secrets of TOP Performing Small Businesses (that you are NOT using)

3. The 3 Best Ways to Find & Attract the Best Employees

4. The 3 Things 97% of Interviewers do to Sabotage Their Interviews... & End Up Hiring the Wrong People

5. How to Quadruple Your Odds of Hiring the Right People... The 1st time

6. How to have peace-of-mind that your business stays productive when you’re not there

7. 10 Things Your Leaders Must Start Doing TODAY to Increase the Performance of Your Current Staff

EXTRA BONUS… Just for watching the video, you’ll get a gift valued at $599

The Strategies Discovered in the FREE Video are Guaranteed to Help You...

* Hire the right people the 1st time
* Match people to jobs they’ll succeed in
* “Clone” your TOP Performers
* Decrease turnover
* Train new hires more efficiently
* Improve customer service & sales
* Increase the performance of every employee
* Boost teamwork
* Succession plan
* Improve communication
* Increase employee motivation
* Develop your leaders
* Eliminate work-ethic & reliability issues