
Psychometrics Canada has been providing assessment tools and consulting services for the selection and development of people in business, government and education since 1976.  Our expertise is in the application of business psychology in personal and leadership development, team building, conflict resolution, employee selection, career guidance, and skills assessment.  

Psychometrics is the only authorized Canadian distributor of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator  ®  (MBTI  ®) , Strong Interest Inventory ®  (SII  ®) , Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) , FIRO-B ® , CPI 260 ™ , CPI ™ 434 , Work Personality Index  and Career Values Scale  instruments. These assessments are available in both French and English through our online platform, Psychometrics.com, as well as in traditional paper/pencil format.

Our client list of more than 5000 organizations includes 84 of the top 100 companies in Canada.  These clients use our assessment products and services to identify the strengths and potential of their people - better enabling individuals to work together, complete projects, plan their careers, and lead others.  

Here is a partial client list along with some of the projects we have worked on:

London Drugs - Employee Selection
Provided a custom solution that enabled store managers to assess candidates, easily review test scores, and instantly let head office know who has been selected for the position.  

Imperial Oil - Employee Retention
Helped focus employees on opportunities available within the organization through the use of assessments.

NavCanada - Employee Selection
Reduced time spent reviewing resumes and interviewing by enabling NavCanada to assess Air Traffic Controller candidates during the electronic application process.

Niagara Institute - Leadership Development
Streamlined their administration and data collection process by developing an online version of their "Effective Leadership Indicator."