
Put a Teen to Work
Keep them busy, teach them a good work ethic and help them be self-sufficient.
Let me start out by saying that we, as a community, should come together and help our teens do some work for us. I don’t know about other families, but in mine, the economy has made it nearly impossible for my teens to get jobs.
It is a very sad day when adults with college degrees are competing with the teens for minimum wage jobs at our local fast food restaurants. We are all in a bad place right now so let’s do our part in helping the teens out.
Don’t get me wrong, I am glad that the adults are getting the much needed jobs over the teens, but it just shows us how rough times affect all of us. I grew up knowing I needed to work to get anywhere in life. Working part time through those young tender years made me appreciate the value of a dollar.
The teens these days seem to have too much time on their hands when they are not busy with school activities or sports. And we all know what happens when this occurs. We should all pull together in our communities to offer up some tasks that these kids can do to keep them busy, teach them a good work ethic and also let them make themselves a little more self-sufficient with a little extra cash.
These young folk seem so much smarter than I was at their age with all of the technology they have now. Let’s use it to our advantage. I don’t know about you, but my kids need to work if they want their cell phones and gas money.
The “Put a Teen to Work” website is just like it says. We need to find things that need to be done, whether it is around the yard, running errands, filing some papers for the home office, designing a website or even just showing you how to use your new high tech cell phone.  
The website is easy to use and you can set your budget to whatever you want to offer. Let the kids make proposals and in the end you can pick which one that you are willing to give a trial run. I have an entire team just sitting back and waiting for you to ask them for help if you need it.
There is also a section for free community work for the kids to sign up for. But as a mom, I encourage everyone that accepts free community work from a child to offer them some sort of tip that they can afford. Maybe it will just be five dollars, a plate of cookies or a slice of watermelon. As long as they see that you appreciate what they are doing, they will keep working hard.
This is not a place to take advantage of our children, but to help them grow and learn. I am posting a job to hire a teen to spend a little time with my 95 year old Grandmother. I can’t be there as often as I would like and she is lonely. She will be in her glory to have someone to talk to once a week or so. She has so many stories to share that kids could really benefit from as well.
Businesses can post jobs as well if they have some odd jobs that need to be done, but no need for a “permanent” employee. All of this experience will look good for these kids as they grow and will teach them little tidbits about so many things.
Let us do our part by spreading the word to help build this site full of job offers for our children. One day jobs, one hour jobs, gees, even ten minute jobs will help. We need all of our communities posting job offers of some sort so all of the kids can get involved. Obviously, it would not be cost effective for our teens to drive 30 minutes to an hour for a ten dollar job. We need offers everywhere!
Freelance work may be our teen’s only option right now. Let us all pull together and make it happen. These kids will be running our country one day soon, and I think they should learn a little more responsibility than they know now.
Post the jobs and the teens will come flocking in. I am hoping to have every state represented, and then every community in every state. For all of the teens out there reading this, tell everyone you know about this. Tell your parents to share with everyone they know. We need you to work just as much as you want to.
Both teens and the job posters will have the opportunity to come back to the site after the job is done and give a review of the person they did the job for or had do the job. This will help keep everyone on the up and up.
Safety is also very important. All teens under the age of 18 will need their parent or guardians permission to do any work at all. All personal information will be kept private at all times. The job poster will have to give out some personal information to their client if they expect them to come to their home. But this will only occur when both parties have come to an agreement.
All payments will go through the website once the job is done so the parents can help monitor this as well. Safety and security of our children will always come first. We have a zero tolerance for any funny business at all on either side. Help me make and keep a safe and secure environment for all of us.