
Providing Organic Probiotic Technology for a Sustainable Future

SCD Probiotics is a life sciences company researching, developing and manufacturing natural probiotic products based on the principles of Consortia Probiotics Technology. SCD Probiotics is fundamentally different from other products because our probiotic strains are grown in “consortia”, in a process of co-growth that combines multiple strains during production. Ultimately, through the proprietary consortia culturing processes, the microorganisms become a small ecosystem — much more resilient and working together synergistically. This methodology is more similar to how microorganisms actually survive in the natural environment.

SCD makes probiotics for a variety of human, animal and environmental applications in a new, state-of-the-art fermentation and bottling facility in Kansas City's West Paseo District. These all natural, probiotic products used in agriculture, industrial, home & garden, human health, livestock, aquaculture and tannery industries, are distributed to SCD’s licensee network and used by customers in every corner of the globe.

SCD Probiotics has been marketing and selling probiotic products globally since it was founded in 1998, by Matthew Wood.

Wood went on to earn a master's degree at the University of Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan, specializing in probiotics research. Like Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and the Wright brothers, Wood then started SCD Probiotics from a garage. That shoestring operation in Columbia has grown into an international success with dozens of employees, towering 76,000 gallon fermentation tanks, a 30 percent increase in sales from 2011 to 2013, a production volume increase of 229 percent from 2012 to 2013, kudos from governors and government ministers and a simple yet sophisticated licensing program worthy of companies many times larger than his.

His mother, an artist and founder of the Union Hill Arts Gallery in Kansas City, died of leukemia when he was just 18, cause unknown. Wood theorizes it was likely not one but many factors to blame, such as the volatile organic compounds found in paints and the DDT widely used in the 1950s and 60s on commercial crops, in gardens, for urban mosquito eradication, even domestic pest control.

“I got into biology, agriculture, health, because of what happened to my mother,” he says. How we grow the food we put into our bodies, process the water we drink and flush, the fabrics we wear, can affect our health, sometimes dramatically. “And now, with our technology, it helps improving our health and reducing pollution which improving people’s lives who works in the polluted industry. It’s rewarding to have it come full circle.”

SCD Probiotics complies with the current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Guidelines enforced in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration. GMP guidelines provide a system of processes, procedures and documentation to assure the product produced has the identity, strength, composition, quality and purity that it is represented to possess. In addition, many of SCD Probiotics products are listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in certified organic production.

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Proud recipient of the 2013 Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award