
We express ourselves through the customs and ceremonies of our religion which have been handed down to us from the past, as well as through new rituals and practices. Our partners establish their own individual commitment to Jewish observance, encouraged and supported by the synagogue and congregation.

Our partners embraces the full community spectrum from the youngest children to those in their senior years, singles and couples. Our partners live in Northern Dade and Southern Broward counties, but were born in all parts of the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. People from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds feel at home as we celebrate our sense of community in joy and sorrow.
Our goal as a Synagogue is threefold...

• Create meaningful religious experiences and a sense of Jewish community.

• Work for the perpetuation of Judaism and the growth of the Jewish people in the U.S., in Israel and any place Jews dwell.

• Reinforce the Jewish value system in order to create a better society.

In 1956, a few families came together and dreamed about a congregation of educated, spiritual Jews; an educational, spiritual, and social program that would support their Judaism; beautiful buildings in which to gather; and the staff to lead them at an uncompromising level of excellence and service. They dreamed of a religious center for the North Dade Jewish community. Through the constant support, both moral and financial, of dedicated and committed congregants, that dream became a reality, and the reality surpassed our hopes.

After 50 years, that dream remains alive in the faces, hearts, and hands of our congregants. Our ongoing hope is that Temple Sinai will continue to be a center of Jewish life and learning, and that you will share the joys of Judaism with us through your involvement.

Temple Sinai is located on a magnificent tree-shaded campus.

We are situated on 14 wooded acres in Sky Lake, across the Oleta River from the Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center. A sense of serenity and natural beauty enhance the architectural integrity of the Carolyn Kemelhor Campus.

Rabbi Alan E. Litwak assumed the position of Senior Rabbi of our Congregation on July 1, 2002. Rabbi Litwak provides our congregation with a wealth of experience in teaching, pastoral counseling, social justice efforts, youth work, organizational development, and Jewish camping. He is considered to be an engaging and dynamic teacher. His classroom experience spans the entire age spectrum from early childhood, teenagers, college students, and adults. He is highly regarded for his extensive work with young people in youth group, camping, classroom, and worship settings. His rabbinate has been marked by speaking for Jewish issues at the local and state levels, frequent contributions to local Jewish publications, and service as a board member for a number of local and regional organizations.  When he has the time, Rabbi Litwak loves to cook, is a wine enthusiast, and occasionally dabbles in artistic endeavors. He and his wife, Deborah, have three daughters, Hannah, Naomi, and Yael.

Rabbi David N. Young is our Associate Rabbi. He comes to our community with a wealth of youth, teaching, camping, and pulpit experience. He has served congregations in New York City, Alaska, Ohio, North Carolina, and has taught middle-school, high school, and adults. In addition, Rabbi Young spent two summers at the Reform movement's Crane Lake Camp in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts. During his time at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Rabbi Young received several prestigious awards and served as the President of the rabbinic student body. Rabbi Young grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was involved in Jewish youth organizations. He received a B.A. in Theatre from Bradley University. He currently serves as a chaplain for the North Miami Beach Police Department and sits on the Advisory Board of the Association for Jewish Special Education. Rabbi Young is married to Cantor Natalie Young and they are the proud parents of three children: Gabriel, Alexander, and Isabella. Rabbi Young posts regularly to his blog.

Cantor Michael Kruk assumed his position on July 1, 2003. He was born in Tchernovitz, Ukraine. From the age of six, he studied music, violin and piano. He completed vocal studies in a music college and served in the Red Army Choir as a soloist. Cantor Kruk emigrated to Israel and continued his vocal studies at the Academy of Music in Tel Aviv University and received his Bachelor of Music degree with a major in voice and a minor in violin. In Israel he met and married his wife, Paula. He was invested as a Cantor in 1993 and served for ten years at Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation in New York City. Cantor Kruk and his wife Paula have a daughter, Nili.