
At Tenota {TEE-note-ah} we blend the enjoyment of a good cup of tea with a message that will inspire, get a laugh, or let someone know that you were thinking of them. We like to think of it as sending tasty greeting cards in the mail!

Tenota (see http://www.tenota.com) was the creative insight of a tea-loving counsellor and a savvy business entrepreneur. As a young married couple working in different areas of the wellness industry – Dave as a fitness expert and Cassie as a therapist promoting mental health – they are well aware of the benefits of positive affirmation.

As a counsellor, Cassie often emphasizes that a simple thoughtful gesture or act of kindness can go a long way to boosting a person’s self-esteem, as well as fostering a sense of value and appreciation. Dave suggests there are added health benefits beyond the emotional-psychological impact of gift giving and receiving. Positive affirmation can increase motivation, which is catalyst behind changing behaviour. For these two wellness advocates, combining positive words with the emotional comfort and physical health benefits of tea seemed an obvious way to make people feel great.

“We wanted to capture the simple pleasure of a shared cup of tea and gift it to the people in our lives. Our mission is to spread positive feelings and promote wellness through the tasty, thoughtful medium of tea notes. “