
The `Lo`Lo Project was designed by April R. Vogt, an undergraduate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa to test a self-devised hypothesis that she believes is able to predict the path of a tornado. Since beginning, the project has expanded to creating a low cost, ground level monitoring system that will not only add emphasize to Vogt's hypothesis and enhance tornado warning systems, but be able to enhance weather forecasting as a whole.

Here we are providing an abstract into Vogt's hypothesis, for a complete copy or more information on The `Lo`Lo Project, please contact us.

Understanding tornadoes and why they occur is what meteorologist have been attempting to answer for decades. Even with current technology, very little data exists pertaining to conditions inside a tornado.  Of this data, it has been verified that conditions inside of a tornado include very low pressure, low temperatures, 100% relative humidity, and violent winds. Knowing this along with previous research, I have devised a hypothesis that may assist meteorologists understanding of what tornadoes are, how/why tornadoes occur, and their behavior.
    Tornadoes are a result of a rotating column of low pressure occurring at the base of a parent storm. These low pressure columns equalize in all areas of the troposphere down to ground level. Once equalized, it continues to take a path of least resistance (area's lowest in pressure) under the path of the parent storm until it reaches an area at ground level where pressure is great enough in the surrounding atmosphere that the cone can no longer support itself. It stabilizes with the surrounding atmosphere, dissipating from ground up and we see the cone vanish.
    Being able to distinguish area's likely to drop in pressure in the event of a tornado would begin with monitoring ground level temperature, humidity, and pressure with a stationary system. The rate of change amongst these is the earliest signs of tornado activity. Solidifying this knowledge is what will enhance warning systems for residents of tornado prone areas.