
Tsecond specializes in seamless data capture and migration between any location, regardless of data size. The BRYCKⓇ Platform is the world's smallest and lightest All-Flash, 1PB mobile storage solution, enabling data transportation from edge locations to data centers or the cloud. Their DataDart Service, powered by BRYCK, enables fast, secure and network-independent data migration with flexible cost models, allowing customers to pay only for what they need when they need it. Tsecond serves the evolving data needs of a variety of industries, including media and entertainment, aerospace and aviation, autonomous vehicles, government and defense, and more. Its customers include Boeing, Picture Shop, Be4Post and more. With a robust global presence, Tsecond is at the forefront of revolutionizing data management for enterprises and organizations worldwide. Tsecond is an AEI Horizon X portfolio company, the venture capital investment platform formed between AE Industrial and The Boeing Company.