
YUSA promote the highest form of abundance with our primary role on the planet being to provide the keys in order for one to unlock the shackles of self-limitation. We over-stand that it is every human beings sole birth right on the planet to be granted access to the highest truth and upmost understanding of self to enable personal growth beyond the limitations and expectations of modern society.

Many are at a cross roads in life and realise that the truth lies beyond what is portrayed in society today. In an age where information is so readily communicated, it's becoming increasingly difficult to decipher truth from disinformation with the external distractions that tend to steer the mind and awareness further from the true self.
The primary aim of YUSA is to assist one with the life tools and guidance necessary for accelerated self-betterment which we have utilised on a personal level in order to realise internal fulfilment, self-betterment, expansion of consciousness for the highest good and achieve personal desires.

“At the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” - Lao Tzu - 600BC

Investing time into self-improvement is essential for the achievement of peace, happiness, universal awareness, success and the opening of the doors to a balanced reality. All iconic Gurus, Shaman, Buddhists or anybody with a connection to their true state would agree spiritual knowledge (knowledge of self) is again absolutely vital in order for you to achieve your dreams and desires.
Life is a beautiful thing so why not nourish it? Our role in providing guidance for those becoming aware of the need for change and the healing of one’s self to benefit all aspects of their lives will be an active role, we are in the midst of creating a self sustaining conscious community, connecting people from all walks of life in order to share experiences, techniques and stories that can help awaken and liberate the collective consciousness.

This guide details practical steps to achieve balance in 3 the key aspects of being; Mind, body and spirit. All 3 mechanisms need to operate in equilibrium in order for one to reach their full human potential and return to the natural state of abundance.

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” ~ Dr Neil DeGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist/Author

YUSA do not claim the rights to any of the information disclosed in this guide but we do however advise the individual processes the information for themselves through practical application and further research. We are open to the advice of a reader if one believes we have included inaccurate information.

We do not claim the absolute truth but it is our truth. The knowledge and practical steps which assisted us on our own life journey.