
The Acceleration Point team designs leaders , teams, and strategy for extraordinary success. But what does it mean to be “designed?” How something is designed has more impact on how it performs than any other factor. You could no better navigate a large battleship up a river than you could win a war on the back of a jet ski. Even the best captain with the best crew cannot overcome the way the vessel is designed. The same is true for your organization, team, and leaders.

Every day we meet leaders from organizations around the world who are dissatisfied with the results they are achieving despite having very talented teams, access to the better technologies and resources than ever before, and are demonstrating what at times can feel like heroic efforts. The fact is no matter how hard they work, no individual can overcome the impact of how their organization or team is designed.

Through our work to develop leaders, establishing real strategy, and building effective teams we can redesign how your work gets accomplished so that the potential of your team can be realized. We help leaders to increase their influence in their organization so that they can maximize their impact. We help organizations design strategies to build their competitive advantage to provide exceptional customer value. We help teams leverage the individual talents that are available to achieve great outcomes