
Adstuck is a part of Vishesh Infotechnics, a listed company that was declared as a winner in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 and Fast 500 Asia Pacific for the year 2007. Adstuck has global investors and partners from Bahrain. Together, Go Alive Media(Bahrain) and Adstuck are partnering to provide cutting edge Advertising and Marketing Solutions through superior Technology in the MENA region(GCC). TheHindu, The Times of India, SPH(Singapore Press Honding) etc are a few accounts to name in Print Media.
        Since 2008 Adstuck has developed apps and softwares on augmented reality, motion sensing, 3-D mapping, Since 2008 Adstuck has developed apps and softwares on augmented reality, motion sensing, 3-D mapping, online products availability has helped around 1000 brands reach to 100 million users worldwide which has helped around 1000 brands reach to 100 million users world wide.