
Afya aims to provide an environmentally responsible solution to the dire shortage of healthcare supplies in underserved communities globally.

How it works?
Afya collects and delivers critically needed surplus medical supplies, hospital equipment, and humanitarian provisions for acute and ongoing health crises worldwide.

Afya recovers surplus medical supplies and equipment from healthcare centers. Each year, American hospitals discard 7,000 tons of usable medical supplies. Since 2008, Afya has recovered $26 million worth of these critical supplies.

Each year, hundreds of volunteers donate a combined 20,000 hours of service to sort, inventory and pack our recovered medical supplies. This process allows us to maintain a detailed database of our inventory so we can tailor our shipments to our partners’ needs.

Afya has worked with public health partners in 56 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. We work with healthcare professionals to ascertain the specific needs of each mission and ship custom containers, pallets or duffel bags.

Accomplishments to Date:
$26,000,000 worth of medical and humanitarian supplies shipped and airlifted abroad

6,000,000 pounds of medical and humanitarian supplies shipped abroad

1,200,000 pounds of supplies sent to the Philippines immediately after Typhoon Haiyan, to Haiti and Japan in the wake of their respective earthquakes and to Pakistan after its devastating floods in 2012.

6500 patients treated in Afya clinics in Port au Prince, Haiti since the 2010 earthquake

720 adaptive building projects completed by Afya builders in our patients’ homes in Port au Prince since 2011

56 African, Caribbean, Latin American and Asian countries that Afya has worked in to support local health missions

33 Haitian men and women employed by Afya as rehab techs and adaptive builders in Port au Prince