
An Introduction to Everything AidJoy

[ AidJoy is a US based 501(c)3 non-profit organization ]

AidJoy tackles one dire issue at a time.
We insert the missing pieces necessary to solve a dire problem in 18-22 months.

The Need for AidJoy
Most charities continue to struggle with daily crises without getting closer to achieving their mission.

The Catch-22
Charities need media & marketing to generate funding…
however, charities need funding to produce media & marketing.

Fixing The Catch-22  
 Multimedia Journalism
AidJoy travels to the crisis and documents a
charity’s fight to remedy a dire problem.

 Web-based Technology
AidJoy builds web-based technology and trains
the charity to use these tools.

 Public Relations
AidJoy shares these stories with the world.

* AidJoy's services are provided free of charge to
organizations that demonstrate their dedication
to resolving a dire problem in the world.

Why Support AidJoy?

 It takes AidJoy months, NOT YEARS, to build
positive and lasting change.

 AidJoy makes world events come alive:  
See our current videos, photographs, and
documentary journalism at AidJoy.org.

 Your support enables AidJoy to equip charities
with web-based technology.

 Your support enables AidJoy to train charities
how to promote themselves.

 Your support funds AidJoy's writers,
videographers, photographers, programmers,
and grant writers.

 Your support funds work which inspires and

“ There is no other organization, public or
private, that provides comparable service to
charities. ”  
Tracy Dornette
Internal Revenue Service