
Sass is a Canadian Author widely regarded for her work on her eleven book series entitled ‘The Coalition of the Supernatural’. She is the owner of sasscadeaux.com, which in August, 2013 will be celebrating its two year anniversary.

Sass states, "In that time we have done so much. Our biggest goal is to embrace all our readers, answer all questions, and hopefully, have them feel like they are a part of our family."

On a personal note, Sass shares that her greatest accomplishment is her family as she says, "Without them, I am nothing".

With her Degree in Administrative Health Coordination from Career Canada College, and an additional course work in Computerized Office Essentials, Accounting Technology and Bookkeeping from Fanshawe College, Sass, continued to build a diverse spectrum of professional expertise.

Paralleling her work experience with a profound interest in fictional writing stemming from her youth, Sass's son actually discovered her true niche as a published author, allowing Sass to set her first series into the public with the unwavering support of her family and friends.

She shares, "My son was in grade eleven; he was completing his co-op course at the local computer shop. He decided that the family computer was too slow; he thought he would clean it up to make it faster. He noticed a file marked ‘Family Budget’ he opened it in hopes of seeing if we could afford to give him a raise in his allowance.

"Inside that file were the stories that I had written over the years. Him and his friend printed their two favorite stories and demanded I get published. He also asked that there was more action and less romance, in his opinion, it is wrong for me to write those types of scenes.

After an extensive negotiation, I agreed to publish the stories, but I refuse to remove the scenes. I explained that if he didn’t like the romance scenes, he can always turn the page."

Sass is currently mid-way through the publishing process on her first series ‘The COTS Series’; Sass is simultaneously working toward completing her second series ‘The Unity Series’ and her Indie Series 'The Secrets of Albion Falls'.