
Babbobox is a Cloud-driven Document Management System (DMS) that allows users and businesses have access to their digital content anytime, anywhere and to collaborate with anyone using features found normally in high-end, sophisticated systems.

From our past experiences implementing expensive DMS systems for corporations (with big budgets and long implementation periods), we noticed that for some strange reasons, end-users were not using them because they were too cumbersome, too complicated and too difficult to use. Thus, even after spending large sums of money, these systems under-performed and under-utilized. To add to their dismay, many users ended up going back to sending emails attachments as their main form of collaboration.

With these precious lessons in mind, our goal for Babbobox’s is simple – to be an cost-effective Cloud-driven Document Management System with all (or at least most of them) the features of a sophisticated system. More importantly, making Babbobox extremely EASY TO USE. With Babbobox, companies can now harness the powers of a true Document Management System instantly and without the need of a huge upfront cost.

To put simply, in Babbobox, we are building a Document Management System that we would actually use ourselves.