
Infinite Blue provides a comprehensive low-code development platform and enterprise applications for the BC/DR industry. Infinite Blue is trusted by independent software vendors and enterprises across the globe. Infinite Blue Platform is at the heart of countless business applications running in a wide variety of industries worldwide.

Infinite Blue Platform is a low-code platform designed to make it fast and easy to build, deploy, and manage enterprise-class business applications. Applications built on Infinite Blue Platform can be hosted on-premises or in a public or private cloud. Infinite Blue customers use the platform to build custom applications quickly, and to extend existing applications, customizing them to meet their needs.

Infinite Blue also provides automated Software as a Service (SaaS) tools  and professional services for building and maintaining effective business continuity and disaster recovery plans that streamline and simplify continuity, resiliency, and risk management programs. As an organization’s needs grow, the solution evolves to increase resiliency, mitigate risk, and adhere to deadlines. No other solution provider offers robust scalability and adaptability to meet customer needs in one solution.