
BIOMIDS provides biometric software security solutions that eliminates major business problems associated with logons and passwords. BIOMIDS authenticates a person using facial recognition, iris scanning or voice recognition or multiples to create dual authentication or even - 'Trithentication' tm.

Our products can be used in conjunction with Apple iOS for iPhone or iPad app access, access to Enterprise apps that use Microsoft's Access Manager, access to websites using Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers and integrated with Enterprise packaged software using our Software Development kits(SDK).
The company has recently focused these technologies at a new and exploding problem in higher education – Being sure the test taker in a virtual environment is who they really are by authenticating the face of the student.  The Instant In Proctoring will eliminate the need for costly proctors in a test environment. Our solutions will work with most LMS Systems in use today.
Most of these products are available at www.biomids.com, Apple App store, c/Net and the Microsoft stores