
Cherie Mamma Ltd is a one- stop-shop that provides women the resources they need to have a wonderful mummy-hood.

Being a mother is a natural physiological event and working with our body's natural processes as much as possible will help to make this period a more successful and enjoyable one. So Cherie Mamma works with a team of experts to offer the Cherie Mamma Pregnancy and Childbirth Experience Package which includes:

Diet resources and meal plans to naturally aid conception and improve pregnancy success

Tai Chi Exercise routines to help pregnant women keep fit, relax and aid their labour & childbirth.

Visualisation and breathing techniques to aid natural delivery as much as possible and reduce labour pains.

Accessories such maternity and baby clothes, ovulation and pregnancy test kits

Individual consultations and group workshops with relevant experts such as Midwives, Nutritionists and Exercise instructors.