
Christopher von Dahm has beat the top hege funds again. His company, Von Dahm Consulting, has proven itself through returning his clients more than 50% per year, the last 3 years, after all of his fees are paid. Von Dahm Consulting, LLC employs its "Bond Program", which has made Christopher von Dahm's clients very rich. Christopher von Dahm's honesty and attention to detail has made ALL the difference in the world to his clients at Von Dahm Consulting, LLC. "We are getting so busy over here that I had to turn clients away", said Christopher von Dahm. Von Dahm Consulting utilizes technology and expertise to scrub MBS down to the bone, and cherry-pick ONLY the best of the best CMO's available on the market. Christopher von Dahm purchases the Interest Only portion of pristine traunches of home loans. This process may take weeks to find the best bond for his clients. Christopher von Dahm has developed a Stellar reputation for over 50% returns for his clients the last 3 years.  
    Since Ben Bernanke came out today and told the world that he's keeping interest where they are (almost zero) until at least mid 2015, we have a home run with our IO's", explains Christopher von Dahm of Von Dahm Consulting, LLC.