
Coventree Consulting is a full service online marketing consultancy. We offer a wide variety of website and marketing services for businesses wanting to grow their online presence. Services include:
- Website strategy
- Usability
- Website Design
- Search Engine Optimization
- Search Engine Marketing
- Online Advertising
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Webinars

What sets us apart from other companies is that we focus on the entire consumer experience rather than just getting traffic to your website. We believe there is no point to promoting your website if visitors don't convert into sales in the most efficient way. If you have a website, we begin by analyzing it from an architectural and usability perspective. We make recommendations for improvements, working with your web designer or ours, and then move on to marketing your website on the Internet. Our process identifies your goals and then comes up with practical, cost effective solutions.

We've also completed lots of offline projects from brochure and user guide creation to trade show and seminar management. In everything we do, we believe usability is the key.

We work with a variety of companies of all sizes and industries. In some cases we become their virtual online marketing department, and in other cases we jump in and help with a specific problem. These are a few of the companies we have worked with:
Goose Greek Music
Network Solutions
River Expeditions
The American Institute of Architects
Time Warner Cable

We work almost exclusively on referrals, ironically we don't have time to do much marketing ourselves! But feel free to contact us if you have a marketing conundrum to solve.