
"In the book of Genesis, the earth is described as "without form, void and covered in darkness". After seven days, however, the earth changes from this darkness into a paradise full of light, energy, life, beauty, and a living representation of God himself.
This change of the state of the planet was not an ad hoc process. Rather, the Creator's process was structured, based on a plan with distinct steps and levels, and culminated in a definite end product or masterpiece.
The core concept of the book, Create Your Garden of Eden, is that we all can use the same creative process from Genesis to fulfil our purpose and destiny on earth. Indeed, this is what we are intended to do—pattern the Creator.
The book is divided into an introduction and seven chapters. Each chapter contains several exercises that require the reader to think and apply the principles to his or her specific situation, whether it concerns the financial, social, physical or spiritual areas of life. A downloadable workbook is provided free at the website at www.createyourGOE.com.