
Crescendo Young Musicians Guild is a non-profit music education and community service organization that provides quality music instruction, mentoring, and performance opportunities to students who may otherwise not have them. CYMG promotes a spirit of service while bringing students and families of all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds together to work toward a common goal: to enrich their communities through music.

CYMG focuses on 3 main areas:

Education – CYMG provides beginning to intermediate music students of all socio-economic backgrounds equal opportunity access to music instruction and gives advanced music students the opportunity to coach younger students under the guidance of professional teaching artists.

Performance – All CYMG students share their music with the public and develop their confidence through multiple performances throughout the year.

Service – All CYMG students serve the community and the organization while growing as members of society through performances and workshops at charity events, in convalescent homes, children’s hospitals, and the like.


Crescendo Young Musicians Guild was founded by Pin Chen, long-time private violin teacher and current Orchestra Director of Arcadia High School’s orchestra program of over 350 string students. Chen, David Diaz, and Akhani Cacao, members of CYMG’s inaugural Board of Directors, all experienced a string of lay-offs from their public high school music teaching positions, as school music programs are constantly in peril. Seeing a need to fill the voids in music education that have been growing over the years, Chen decided to take her passion for music and her belief that all students deserve quality music education, to start a nonprofit organization that would help bring music into the lives of children all over Los Angeles. Chen’s personal journey and her decision to start CYMG will be featured in an episode of the television series, Jump Shipp, airing on the Halogen Network on November 4th, 2011.