
Tired of being called fat? Annoyed by the fact that you are always being stared upon and being talked every time you walk by? Or are you almost in the point of giving up after not being able to achieve desired plans of losing weight? These are just the few dilemmas that an obese client faces. Living a life of being an obese or better known yet as fat is not easy. It is hard when people always stare at you and criticize you about your food consumption and how you have lived your life. When you see one, they seem to look happy but deep inside of them, they are worried and afraid of what others may say to them.

Obese individuals have low self-esteem. Why is that so? It is because they are conscious about their body making them to feel insecure. Most of them are trying hard to lose weight so their loved one could notice them and also for them to feel confident all over again the same as how a pen stun gun gives confidence and increases the self esteem of an individual. Most of them tend to stay at home because they have problems with their body image. It is depressing to know that some of the obese individuals are not able to fully enjoy their life because they have suffered from illnesses due to their being fat.