
Founded in 2001 Directors Deals has grown to become a specialist global market data company which monitors and analyses share transactions and share repurchases made by directors in the shares of their own company.

We made it our mission to transform the huge and complex volume of daily trades into investment grade data supporting leading hedge funds, in their investment strategies and decision making.

We therefore deliver concise and accurate detail of the trade through filtered email alerts, customised reports, intra-day quant feeds and access to our interactive website. Our data contains additional contextual fields so that subscribers have all the information they need to judge individual trades. Although basic details are made public by the issuer, derived data such as post-trade holdings, or the timing of ‘Close Periods’ may be added where information is not included as part of the announcement.

Based in London, Directors Deals cover over 40,000 companies in around sixty markets globally and supply data consistently across all markets where data is available Some European markets date from 1999.